UMass Global MyPath — Competency-Based, Self-Paced Learning
If you’re interested in our UMass Global MyPath business and IT degrees, you can control everything — when you watch lectures, when you complete coursework, when you study, what your deadlines are, everything. For the right student, the flexibility of our technologically advanced MyPath programs is ultimately freeing. Plus, you can earn your degree more quickly and more affordably.
With MyPath, It's Up to You
UMass Global’s MyPath is competency-based education (CBE). MyPath courses are completely self-paced. You can work through your coursework on your schedule, without set deadlines. When you show “competency,” you pass that section and move on to the next. Beyond the lack of a set schedule for lectures and coursework submissions, MyPath also rewards you for areas where you already have knowledge, whether from prior courses, work experience, training, or earned certificates. You can move through those sections more quickly, speeding your degree completion.

UMass Global is a member of C-BEN. C-BEN recognizes that today, competency-based education is still an emerging field with a small number of people and institutions understanding enough to describe it or implement it. C-BEN’s efforts focus on three main priorities: growing demand, building capacity, and removing barriers.
Program Benefits that Benefit You.

Customizable Degrees
Be workforce ready with a BBA, BSIT, or MAOL degree. Choose a niche program to bolster your career, from supply-chain to data science to leadership.

Support When You Need It
Our support coaches and staff will track your progress and provide help, info and resources when you need it.

Self-Paced Learning
UMass Global MyPath degrees are on-demand programs that allow you to set your pace. Take your time or binge classes—it’s all up to you.
Affordable Subscription Tuition
- Once admitted, you begin whenever you’re ready and will be billed tuition every 24 weeks.
- To get the best value and graduate faster, complete as many competencies as possible within each billing period.
- Digital textbooks and materials are included with tuition, saving you thousands of dollars.
- Get financial assistance through Federal Financial Aid, VA Education Benefits, or employer reimbursement.
Customized Curriculum for Your Future
MyPath is called a competency-based education (CBE) program – a completely different way to learn from the traditional credit-hour standard.
- Demonstrate your knowledge, skills and abilities (competencies), without sitting through a traditional course.
- Follow the customized curriculum developed on your initial assessment.
- Move quickly through material you already know and spend more time on concepts you need to learn.
- Establish your own pace, demonstrating mastery over a concept before moving on.
Unprecedented Technology
MyPath incorporates the latest learning technology in an online learning management system.
- Simulations, adaptive learning, game-based learning, data analytics and social learning are used to enhance your learning experience.
- Assessment tools are incorporated to comprehensively and holistically measure your progress.
- Sophisticated tracking and faculty dashboards help to monitor your improvement.
Is MyPath the Right Fit for You?
If a self-paced, completely online degree program sounds perfect for you, take just a moment to consider:
- Are you looking for a degree in Business or IT?
- Can you work independently, without the deadlines or classroom structure?
- Do you have the technical knowledge for online learning as well as updated computer essentials?
- Are you motivated/disciplined enough to set aside time to study and keep making progress?
UMass Global MyPath — Different Format, Same Great Student Support
MyPath is a self-paced coursework format that offers students unprecedented flexibility, but that doesn’t mean you’re out there all alone — just as with our traditional, instructor-led online courses, MyPath students have access to the same experienced, dedicated student support team. Our enrollment coaches, academic advisors, and one-stop specialists work with you every step of your journey at UMass Global. We take great pride in our level of student support, and we encourage you to reach out to us whenever you need to.

Find Your Degree/Program
AA in General Business (MyPath)
Business and Professional Studies
(self-paced)BBA in General Business (MyPath)
Business and Professional Studies
(self-paced)BBA in GIS and Data Analytics (MyPath)
Business and Professional Studies
(self-paced)BBA in Information Systems Management (MyPath)
Business and Professional Studies
(self-paced)BBA in Management & Organizational Leadership (MyPath)
Business and Professional Studies