Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes identify what students should be able to demonstrate as a result of what they have learned throughout their program. Developed by the faculty, these learning outcomes are consistent with the program mission and are assessable at the course and program level.
Institutional Learning Outcomes
University of Massachusetts Global provides core learning values and experiences for all undergraduate students. Based on the Lumina Degree Qualifications Profile, University of Massachusetts Global baccalaureate graduates will demonstrate key competencies that will prepare them for life-long participation in the knowledge-based world of the 21st century upon finishing a degree at an institution. ILOs measure the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that students are expected to develop as a result of their overall experiences in an undergraduate program, based on a signature assignment that demonstrates mastery of the learning outcome.
- Civic Engagement
Describe insights gained from engaging physically and/or intellectually with activities of personal and public concern that are both individually life enriching and socially beneficial to the community.
- Integrated Learning
Devise connections among experiences inside and outside the formal classroom, or connections among multiple fields of study.
- Applied Learning
Design a project, paper, performance, or other appropriate task linking knowledge skills from work, experiential learning, or community activities with knowledge acquired in academic disciplines.
- Innovation and Creativity
Construct a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product.
- Global Cultures
Explain the relationship between a global issue and the history, values, politics, economy, communication styles, or beliefs and practices of one or more cultures affected by that issue. - Spring 2017 Collection
Core Competencies
Baccalaureate programs engage students in an integrated course of study of sufficient breadth and depth to prepare them for work, citizenship, and life-long learning. At University of Massachusetts Global, these programs ensure the development of the following core competencies: written and oral communication, quantitative reasoning, information literacy, and critical thinking. Via signature assignments, LBSU-302 provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in information literacy and critical thinking. LBSU-304 provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in written communication, oral communication, and quantitative reasoning. In addition, for the Competency-based programs, specific competencies have been identified to measure the five core competencies.
CBE Core Competencies Data Report
Credit Hour Core Competencies Data Report

Program Learning Outcomes
University of Massachusetts Global Program Learning Outcomes identify what students should be able to demonstrate as a result of what they have learned throughout their program. The Program Learning Outcomes are developed by the faculty. They are consistent with the Program mission and are assessable at the course and program level.