Accessible Education FAQs
UMass Global is dedicated to helping make our programs accessible for all students. Please browse the FAQs to find answers regarding accessible services, resources, and more.
Accessible Education FAQs
If you are unable to find your answer, please contact the Office of Accessible Education at
Yes. The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) can recommend temporary academic support for students experiencing temporary short-term health conditions, including COVID-19. Please review the OAE Documentation Guidelines for students who have a temporary medical condition/injuries or have medical issues related to their pregnancy. Students approved for academic adjustments due to a Temporary Medical Condition or Injury (TMCI) will receive a TMCI Verification Letter from OAE. Students are responsible for sharing their TMCI Verification Letter with each of their instructors each term for which they are eligible for service.
Available Services
Each student is assessed on an individual basis. Approved accommodations, auxiliary aids, academic adjustments, and supports are customized through an interactive process and are dependent on each student's disability or health-related needs.
The university does not provide assessments to diagnose disabilities. Please email OAE at to request a list of referrals to seek disability assessments outside the university.
It is possible to have some or similar accommodations, but it is not guaranteed. K-12 accommodations are provided under the legislative act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). In higher education, disability accommodations are provided under Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)/Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act of 2008 (ADAA). Existing legislation provides equal access to education for students with disabilities. Accommodations in an adult education environment are designed to help remove existing barriers, provide access, and provide an equitable learning environment for students to demonstrate knowledge in their courses. Accommodations are individually designed to help to compensate for limiting functions of a disability and give a student a with a disability an opportunity to compete equally among their peers.
A reasonable accommodation is an adjustment designed to mitigate the impact of a student’s disability without compromising the integrity of an academic course or program. Examples of reasonable accommodations are:
- Assistive Technology services
- Auxiliary aides and services, such as sign language interpreters
- Extended time on exams and quizzes
- Notetaking support
- Textbooks in alternative format
Beyond the services provided through the Office of Accessible Education, Veterans can find additional assistance through the Veteran’s Connection and Support Center.
Students may have their provider complete the Provider Verification Form and/or they may submit other recent and relevant documentation.
Documentation from a physician, psychologist, Veteran’s Affairs or appropriate professorial may consist of the following:
- If you are applying for services for a Learning Disability, please provide the most recent copy of your psychoeducational assessment.
- IEP and 504 documentation may be submitted, but may not provide enough information to qualify for services.
Please visit our Registration Process page for more information. OAE applications will be processed in 2-5 business days.
Qualifying for Services
If you have a learning disability, psychological disorder, medical, physical, or other health-related issue(s) that limits you from performing at your best at the university, please make an appointment with the Office of Accessible Education to explore and discuss options. If you are unsure, please contact us at (949) 341-9976 or email us at
Please email to request an appointment.
In alignment with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, University of Massachusetts Global determines disability accommodations through an interactive, deliberative process under the direction of the Director of the Office of Accessible Education. At times, a student may disagree about the appropriateness of the University’s accommodation decision. For more information, students can view the Appeal and Grievance Process for Students