Adult Learner

8 Signs you belong at UMass Global

Signs You Belong at University of Massachusetts Global

Attending college is a pretty natural next step for most high school seniors, even if they’re not entirely sure of what they want to do professionally. While being undecided or changing majors works out fine for traditional college students, most adult learners can’t afford to be unsure when it comes to higher education.

For you, school is just one part of your multi-faceted life. Maybe you’re also a working professional, a parent, an active volunteer or possibly all three. Because you’re juggling so many responsibilities, you know that you have to choose the right school and program. 

If UMass Global is one of the institutions you’re considering, you might want to know a bit more about whether it’s a good fit for your goals and needs. Believe it or not, many UMass Global students have similar circumstances, challenges and successes. You may have more in common than you think!

8 Reasons UMass Global is the right fit for you

1. You’re juggling a lot of responsibilities

UMass Global offers flexible learning options designed for those who have demanding schedules. Many are parents, and a majority are working professionals. In fact, nine out of 10 students work while completing their studies.

“This is a person who has a lot on their plate,” says Maryann DeLorenzo, enrollment coach at University of Massachusetts Global. “I would say that 90 percent of my students are changing careers or coming back to school after 10 to 15 years and after starting a family.”

2. You haven’t been in school for a while

Whether you took a break from higher education to start a family, because you were serving in the military, or for any number of other reasons, you’re certainly not alone. UMass Global primarily serves nontraditional students, and DeLorenzo is always quick to reassure students that it’s never too late to go back to school.

“My answer is always, ‘You’re in good company. Most of our student population is just like you,’” she states. It’s worth noting that more than 75 percent of UMass Global students are between the ages of 25 and 49.

3. You want to make a positive impact

Many students choose their field of study by thinking about subjects that interest them, emerging job opportunities and earning potential. University of Massachusetts Global students certainly consider those factors, but their decisions are also informed by their desire to do something positive for those around them.

“Most students are serious about helping their community or making a difference,” DeLorenzo explains. “This gives us credibility, because UMass Global's campuses are deeply rooted in the communities around them.”

4. You’re motivated to earn your degree

Pulling all-night study sessions to cram for exams or carelessly throwing together essays hours before they’re due aren’t common occurrences at this institution. The stakes are too high for students who are making a career change or working to move up the ladder.

“Most of my students are completely committed,” DeLorenzo says. “Once they realize what they want, they’re super focused on getting good grades and doing well.”

There’s data to prove this assertion as well. At UMass Global, 76 percent of non-first-time students complete their degrees. This is a testament to the commitment and determination UMass Global students have to achieving their educational goals.

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5. You think education should be worth the investment

Higher education is unquestionably expensive. Many adult learners need assurance that paying for college will result in a high-quality of education that’s worth the cost. This is actually one of the reasons students end up choosing University of Massachusetts Global — they recognize the value it offers after doing their research and discovering the generous transfer credit policy. Faculty and staff are refreshingly transparent about cost, too.

“Our academic advisors will gladly recommend a community college as a less expensive option for students to finish their general education requirements,” DeLorenzo says. “Then, students can make a seamless transition back to UMass Global to finish their higher elective classes.”

6. You hold yourself accountable

All online programs are at least partially self-directed, meaning students are responsible for reviewing materials and completing their assignments on time. This might be daunting for some learners, but most UMass Global students have no trouble taking full responsibility for their education. According to DeLorenzo, even students who are taking online courses for the first time are quick to watch a few tutorials to make sure they’re prepared.

7. You value a supportive community

Most adult students, whether they’re finishing their degrees or pursuing new credentials from scratch, need some encouragement and assistance along the way. Student support is one area where UMass Global truly stands out to students. Every learner has access to career services, academic advising, tutoring, technology support and much more. Many students also find it comforting to know there’s a physical presence nearby.

“Even if they’re online, students value a local campus that is there for them if they need it,” DeLorenzo explains. She further suggests that students really think about how they’re perceived by the schools they’re considering by asking, “Am I just another number, another statistic? Or do I matter to this university?”

8. You want to learn from experienced professionals

A good instructor can transform an average course into an exceptional learning experience. The chances of this happening are higher when the person leading class is an experienced industry professional, which is the case for University of Massachusetts Global faculty members. Not only can they teach students practical skills that will be relevant in the workforce, but they can also serve as mentors who share valuable and honest perspectives.  

“That transparency is something we are proud of,” DeLorenzo says. “You’re either provided facts or pointed in the right direction to find your answers.”

Choose a school that supports students like you

You now have a good idea of what it’s like to be a UMass Global student. If you identify with a few — or all — of the above viewpoints, you’ll be in good company among our community of learners.

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