Dr. Jennifer Good
Dr. Jennifer Good

Dr. Jenny Good is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of Pennsylvania. She has received extensive training in cognitive-behavioral therapy, as well as the integration of spirituality in treatment. Dr. Good has worked with children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and the older population. She has clinical experience in the following settings: inpatient, partial hospitalization, residential treatment programs, family-based services, wraparound services, school-based services, college counseling, outpatient services and nursing facilities. At these various settings, Dr. Good employed individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, neurocognitive assessment, psychological assessment, decisional capacity evaluations and consultative services. She has taught for two separate graduate counseling programs, at McDaniel College in an adjunct capacity and Messiah University as a senior lecturer. Dr. Good has a passion for higher education and training future clinicians. She works to use her past and present experiences as a psychologist to make the classroom “come to life.” Her professional research and counseling interests include cognitive-behavioral therapy, the integration of spirituality and mental health, trauma, depression, anxiety, distance learning/online learning and holistic care. When Dr. Good isn’t teaching, she enjoys spending time with her husband and three children.
- Psychology
- Older Adults
- Depression and Anxiety
Psy.D. In Clinical Psychology
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Dissertation: "Integration of Spirituality and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Depression"
M.S., Clinical Psychology
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
M.S., Applied Psychology
University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
Professional Experiences
2020 -
Clinical Psychologist
Bowman and Associates, Hanover, PA
Translated American-English external Web site content to French.
2015 -
Adjunct Professor
Messiah University
2012 - 2017
Clinical Psychologist
MedOptions, Gettysburg, PA
Provided individual therapy, neuropsychological assessments and decisional capacity evaluations.